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Up in Ojai with a Sick Husband

Ray has a 101 temperature and is complaining of severe body aches. He went to bed shaking with chills last night and has been in bed all day and evening. He was just fine one minutes and shivering the next.

Of course, he could have gotten this bug anywhere but this sounds very similar to what daughter Rachael suffered from all last week and we did see Patient Zero, baby Lyla, a few days back. Whatever the case, Ray is good and sick. Hopefully, he will be better tomorrow and I will stave off whatever germs are running rampant of late.

Today was a lovely weather day up here. Sunny and cool, perfect mid-70s temperature. I was very happy to work outside most of the day. Tomorrow the weather is supposed to be even prettier.

Liz and Ron are up here as well so we are getting in a nice visit. At least I am. Ray has been mostly sleeping today.

Speaking of sleeping, I am headed to bed. I am sleeping on the couch in a last ditch effort to avoid contracting this lovely flu.

Stay well, my friends. I will check back in tomorrow.

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