My first cousin, Lee Leatherwood, and his wife, Elaine, are here in LA visiting from Austin, Texas. Lee and I are six days apart in age, and grew up in the same little Texas town. Our kids are close to the same age and we have many interests in common, which include writing, reading, and politics. We have stayed connected these years, but this is the first time Lee and Elaine have made it out to LA to see us. Now we get to share our Southern CA experience with them. Today we went to the Getty for the afternoon. Tomorrow we’ll see Rachael, Sarah, Gregorio, and Luna (Liz and Ron, who are still in Alaska working on the Habitat for Humanity project), then go to Chinatown for dinner.
Here is a photo of Lee, Elaine and Ray today at the Getty Museum.
Off to bed now. It’s been a long and eventful day.
I’ll be talking again with you all again tomorrow. Stay well.