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Visitors from Texas

My niece, Katie Leatherwood, and her boyfriend, Nowell, are visiting this week. This is a treat for me since we don’t get lots of Texas visitors out here in LA. They are off right now at the Comedy Store watching Tim Allen do a show. This is after spending most of the day at the beach where is was 77 degrees.

Katie is brother George and his wife Sandra’s middle daughter. I was there when she was born (as I was for her two sisters, as well). She and her sister, Leslie, came for Sarah’s wedding, so it hasn’t been too long since we’ve seen each other last. That makes it even better since it’s almost as if her visiting is shifting from rare to often, always great for this aunt who misses her Texas family.

So, welcome to Katie and Nowell. Your CA family is happy you’re here.

Here is Katie.  Unfortunately, I don’t have a picture of Nowell…

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