We arrived in Sherman, Texas from LA via Ojai, CA about an hour ago after 24 hours of driving over two days. I took the dogs for a good walk since they (and I) had been cooped up all day and yesterday in the van. Ray stayed home to settle in a bit while we were out. I walked the dogs down to the town square where there is a courthouse. It’s about four blocks from our house here. Here is a picture of the courthouse:
What struck me the most on our walk was how completely quiet it is here. We arrived around 10:30 pm and in a ten block walk I saw exactly four cars and no people walking. The only sound was a night bird (not sure which), the distant sound of cars on Highway 75, the swishing sound of the four cars passing on the street nearby and a distant train whistle. This lack of sound is significant for me since I live on a busy street in LA that is four blocks from the Sunset Strip and four block from Santa Monica Boulevard. The sound of cars passing by, people chatting while they are walking, occasional helicopters, barking neighbor dogs, police and fire sirens and distant traffic on the nearby boulevards is simply part of the fabric of living there. It is often quiet in the dead of night, but that means 3 or 4 am, certainly not 10:30 pm. So the quiet here, particularly at this hour, is striking. And welcome. Coming to Texas is like having strong warm fingers working all the kinks out of my back and neck. That is one of the reasons I love to come here.
Another is to see all our friends here. We’re having a garage/estate sale on Saturday here at Lyon House -716 North Crockett St., Sherman – so if you’re in the area, please drop by between 8 – 5. We have brought lots of Victorian furniture and collectibles from an estate we’ve been handling in LA, and there are some very cool pieces. Plus our neighbors and various friends are bringing items to sell too so this should be quite a sale. It is also a great way to see friends in a concentrated fashion. Our time is always limited on these trips so this works very nicely. Come on over!
Okay, I am headed off to take a bath and then head to bed. Ray was kind enough to get everything all settled while I was out with the dogs, which was awfully nice. It’s great to be here in this house again. It’s been several months since I’ve gotten to enjoy it. Here is a night photo of “Lyon House,” our Victorian here in Sherman:
I am grateful that we have arrived safely. That is always a relief. Now we can settle in for a while. That is a treat in itself. Hooray.
I hope you are having a good Wednesday evening.
I’ll be checking back in with you tomorrow.