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Welcome to Our Daughter and Our Friend from Texas

Today my beloved Rachael and our dear friend, Jared, arrived safely from Texas. Hurray. There is nothing like knowing that people you care about are safe. There is also nothing like seeing people you love after a period of absence. Of course, one of the benefits of Rachael picking Texas for her post-college experience is that we get to see her when we’re in that part of the country. She admitted that this was part of her logic for moving to North Central Texas. “If I moved to New York I’d only see you guys a couple of times a year.” There was no way that I was going to challenge that logic! We also see Jared routinely when we’re in Texas. We have developed a strong friendship since the first time that he banged on the door of our mid-century Savings and Loan building in Sherman when Ray was there working one night. It’s a basic truth that Ray and I tend to immediately bond with people who love the same kind of architecture and art that we do and Jared has proven to be no exception. So, seeing both Rachael and Jared produced a familiar and happy feeling, not to mention a bit of relief that they were off the road and safely cradling baby Luna in Southern California.

I have only one more student tomorrow before I am officially done with work until after the wedding. My last student will arrive at 9 am and we’re push hard to finish a research paper before he needs to leave at 10:30. We’ve been working on this paper for several days. I’m hoping we’ve allotted enough time. My fingers are crossed so he will have his paper done and I will have the freedom to shift my full attention to buying food and cooking for Thanksgiving and the wedding. Those are Tuesday plans.

On that note, I will say good night. I am falling asleep as I write.

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