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Writer's picturelenleatherwood

Wind and the Return to LA

It is 10:33 pm Pacific time; 12:33 Central time. I am back in LA after an early morning plane flight and a long afternoon of students. This evening I worked with daughter Liz on her post-law school personal statement. Now, I have two dogs lying here in bed with me and I’m eyeing that clock, thinking I need to go to sleep.

I thought the plane might go down as we approached El Paso today. Good ole Southwest usually has a way to tame the bumpy ride, but today we were heading into a hefty wind. We bounced, shifted to the right, then to the left, bounced a few more times and then the pilot came over the public address system and said that due to shifting winds, we’d be trying a different approach. I said a little prayer as we headed due west, then circled back around. Second time was charm. We had a little bounce once the wheels hit the runway, but that was all.

All I could think about before we made the second approach was wind shear. That’s what happened to that jet coming into Dallas a few years back that crashed. All was well until the last few minutes of the flight. That’s when the winds shifted suddenly and down they went. It was awful. Almost no survivors. Luckily for us, today had a different outcome.

Now I can not keep my eyes open to even write so it’s time to turn off the lights. Enough for today. Of course, I’m grateful we didn’t have any of that terrible weather that is plaguing other parts of the country.

And I am grateful to close my eyes.

How are you all faring?  Please share if you are so inclined.

As for now, good night.

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