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Winter Storm Coming

Tonight I am lying here in bed, snuggled up in the covers, wondering if that winter storm headed to Texas is going to put the kibosh on my planned trip to the Lone Star State on Friday. So far, I am hearing of temperatures that make me shiver even under these covers: 11 degrees being one such number. These record lows might be accompanied by snow and ice, which could make the roads treacherous.

On the other hand, weather forecasters often get it wrong when it comes to storms. They never arrive or sometimes they arrive but are less than expected in time and intensity. I suppose we’ll all have a better idea of the impact of this storm as it moves closer.

In the meantime, I am operating from the assumption that I am going. Ray is already there and he needs a companion to help him drive those 1500 miles back to CA. Being a lover of the open road, I don’t mind making that trek at all.

So, we’ll see. Right now, I think I’ll slide deeper under the blankets. We are, after all, having our own unusually low temperatures here in Southern California. It ain’t 11 degrees, but it could get down to 39 tonight, which practically qualifies this front as “Storm Watch 2013.”

I am happy because I love chilly weather. It’s so nice for getting comfy under the covers.

Besides, I could use the sleep.

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