We have just completed a satisfying day of work here at the orange grove. We will be hard at it again tomorrow. We are organizing, working on estate furniture, and basically tackling lots of estate-related work for the next few days. We meaning Ray, Darrah (our friend from Texas) and I plus our helper, Gregorio, who will be here tomorrow. I will be in and out. I have students in LA to see and this is a busy time. Alas, I’m going to enjoy every minute I can be here.
I am back to stealing Wifi from my neighbor. I am sitting in my car this late afternoon down near her house since I needed to access the Common Application in order to speak to a parent on the phone about to her daughter’s college applications. It is calm and quiet here, though I believe a bird is attacking the back window of my car. My, my. A rabbit just hopped by out on the road. Yes, this is the country!
I will bide you adieu for the evening. I need to go back and start a fire in the firepit. We are cooking chicken tonight and we need to get the fire down to the coals before we’re too tired to eat.
I hope you’re having a fine day.
I’ll check back in with you tomorrow.